Sustainability and environment

Sustainability and environment

In Mall of Tripla, environmental issues are close to our hearts. The construction of Mall of Tripla has been awarded a platinum-level LEED environmental certificate. The energy efficiency rating is B and part of the roofs are green roofs. The electricity used in Mall of Tripla is produced with renewable energy sources.

Mall of Tripla was awarded the LEED Platinum-level certification, which is the highest level of international environmental certification. Obtaining the certification was in particular based on construction solutions that promote the energy efficiency of the shopping center and take into account the environment. Compared to similar new buildings in general, the shopping center consumes approximately 40% less energy and clean water. Energy efficiency saves not only the environment but also costs.

One criterion in the LEED assessment is the processing of stormwater. At Tripla, the stormwater system has been built so that stormwater is either absorbed in the ground or recycled, for example, for washing at the car wash. The green roof area constructed for additional greenery and attractiveness and in order to manage stormwater takes up approximately 40% of the entire roof area of Tripla. Furthermore, the cleanliness of the indoor air has been a key consideration. Carbon dioxide sensors are constantly measuring the quality of air to an exceptionally large extent throughout the shopping center.

In addition to the requirements of the LEED certification, Tripla has been constructed so that it complies with the requirements set by the City of Helsinki concerning sustainable development and the environment. For Mall of Tripla and City of Helsinki it is important to improve the facilities for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Of all the shopping centers in Finland, Mall of Tripla has the highest number of bicycle parking spaces.


Mall of Tripla and the environment in a nutshell

  • The average energy and water consumption of the shopping center is approximately 40% lower than in new buildings on average.
  • Only LED lamps are used for lighting, and the lighting of the Triplaparkki car park is controlled by motion detectors.
  • Green roof area amounts to a total of 40% of all roof area.
  • Waste is collected via a centralized vacuum waste system.
  • Ekopiste -recycling point serves the customers.
  • Construction materials comply with the strictest M1 material classification 2008.
  • There are 3 400 bicycle parking spaces in Tripla.
  • There is almost 300 charging stations for electric cars in Triplaparkki car park.
  • Heating and cooling take place via the City of Helsinki's district heating and cooling network.

Ekopiste recycling point

Ekopiste -recycling point is for Mall of Tripla’s customers. You can find the recycling point in P3 floor, where you can recycle metal, glass, plastic and cardboard free of charge.

In the 1st floor of Mall of Tripla next to the bottle recycling you can find a recycling point for small home appliances. In addition you can recycle ink containers, tubular lamps, batteries, eL-lamps and led-lamps.


First property in Finland to receive a GOLD level Excellent safety certification by SHORE.

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We have been awarded the highest achievable international certification leven in LEED environmental certificate.

We have taken accessible design and signage to a new level, recognised by Invalidiliitto's accessibility certificate.


guarding and surveillance of the premises to always ensure a safe environment.

Extensice CO2 level monitoring to ensure high indoor air quality.

Committed to equality, gender-neutral changing rooms are available to our tenants.

Co-operation partner network in youth work